Alexandra Green

March 25 – April 1

Being Green examines mask-making through simple papier mâché techniques in an effort to reveal one’s holistic relationship with the world. It is through the presentation of familiar emotions that one can partake in introspective thought as well as spark an interest in the interconnectedness of all human beings. Through the acknowledgement of our similarities, such as the expressions we wear, a better understanding of others can bloom.

Alexandra Green believes that through the simplicity of materials utilized in the installation, the message she is trying to impart becomes clear. By using simple materials, anyone could have the supplies to make a mask, but it is what Green is trying to say with the mask that is individual to her. It is the uniqueness of the human experience that fascinates her and inspires her artistic practice.

Green believes all people have more similarities than differences. We are not defined by our exteriors, but instead by the contents of our hearts and minds, our accumulated experiences, and how we react to external stimuli.